Save more than 65% when you buy the All Libraries Membership.

This is our most popular membership because it includes more than 3,000 tools and forms, including:

  • Adult Library
  • Child Library
  • Teen Library
  • Practice Management Library
  • Coaching Library
  • Spanish Library
  • Assignment Book Library
Plus you get our groundbreaking Psychology Forms Filler (PFF), which lets you edit any tool or form and send them to clients with just a few clicks. Your clients can then fill out the tools and worksheets online and return them to you.

Plus, you have access to our collection of Assignment Workbooks with tools for problems like Depression, PTSD, GAD, and much more.
Get the Between Sessions Resources All Libraries Membership for only $99!

Between Sessions All Libraries Annual Membership Flash Sale


Access to 27 therapeutic homework assigment workbooks and journals

Our therapy workbooks encompass a comprehensive range of resources, from tools designed for adolescents to materials that facilitate trauma recovery.

3,000+ worksheets and practice management forms

We provide diverse resources to fill your clinical toolbox, ranging from coaching materials to therapeutic games for children to resources available in Spanish.

Includes Psychology Forms Filler (PFF)

Our Psychology Forms Filler is the only PDF editor designed for mental health professionals. You can upload your own PDF or access the Forms Filler with one click from our Libraries. Modify forms and worksheets any way you like, even adding your logo and practice information. You can also extract worksheets from one of our Assignment Workbooks and then send them to a client to complete online.

A sample of what you'll get:
The Between Sessions Resources Library of Tools contains over 3,000 tools, including worksheets, audio files, assignment workbooks, journals, assessment tools, practice management forms, and more!
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What our members say

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In one session, my client’s face brightened as she completed her “Tree of Life” – in the session prior, she drew a miserable, scrawny tree of her loneliness. Your tool helped her see that she's a fruitful, thriving (although scared!) tree. The detailed questions about fruits, leaves, branches, trunk, ground, and roots are brilliant because they elicit what is buried deep inside the client. Thank you, Between Sessions Resources!
I frequently become overwhelmed by resources - what to offer clients to help them. Your resources clarify everything! I am a more confident clinician for having the Between Sessions membership in my toolbox!  The support from Dr. Shapiro and the staff is collaborative and immediate. This is the best purchasing decision I have ever made as a therapist.
Thank you so much for your efforts. I enjoy using many of your resources and have shared your site with colleagues on more than one occasion. Thank you for your service to those of us in the counseling field.
This site and information are top-notch, and your tools are of unbelievable value. I’m so excited to be able to share these wonderful resources so that others can benefit as my clients do. Grateful for Between Sessions! Thank you so much!
I log in to my Between Sessions account each day as I prepare for client sessions. I'm always excited to see what new tools have been posted, and I'm always sure I'll be able to find just the worksheets I need for my clients. I've requested a couple of worksheets, and they were excellent - exactly what I needed and emailed to me within 24 hours! Thank you so much, Between Sessions!

If you can't find the tool you want, ask us to create it for you! Creating a worksheet or form usually takes 2-3 working days.


Exceptional customer support by phone or email, Monday-Friday, 9:00-5:00 (EST)


Please note we will send your login credentials within 3-4 hours following your purchase.


We add a new tool to our Libraries every single workday.